Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 PhD Student of Persian language and Literature, University of Qom, Qom, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Persian language and Literature, University of Qom, Qom, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Persian language and Literature, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


In this paper the authors have investigated the impact of the introduction of Shah Nameh on the introduction of Koush Nameh. Tahmidiyeh is one of the most important sections of epic poetry. Beginning to write “In the name of God” at the top of the texts, has a long history and has many evidences in the writings and remnants of ancient Iranian languages. The content of the prefaces of epic poems, in the first place, includes Tahmidiyeh( A general trait in the poetry of Iran); then, a selection of religious beliefs of the epic poet, which has been composed and dealt mainly with the inspiration of Shahnameh style. The present study, is a descriptive approach and based on inductive method in the two texts of Shahnameh and Koush Nameh. It searches the relationship between the introduction of Kouh nameh; and the introduction of Shah Nameh. The paper examines the effectiveness of Koush Nameh introduction from Shah Nameh in the shadow of paratextuality. The results of studying the Tahmidiyeh sections in both poems show that in the initial section of Koush Nameh & Shah Nameh, praising God and counting the names and intrinsic names, attributes and purifications of God have a high and honorable position and the following sections Its collection also; Like praising and honoring the intellect, how it was created, praising the knowledge and value of speech, praising the Prophet (PBUH) and admonition, also has a special effect. Iran shah has followed Ferdowsi in composing the main and internal parts of the introduction of Koush Nameh, in including elements such as: donating the work, the entry of the work, how to access the prose version and referring to the source, as well as praising the king of the era. Finally, with the studies, it was found that the introduction of Koush Nameh in the position of the present text, has explicitly had a great impact on the structure of the absence of Shahnameh in the position of the missing text in how it is structured and Shahnameh has played a fundamental role in reproducing the contents of Koush Nameh.


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