Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 PhD Student of Persian Language and Literature, Ghaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Ghaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr, Iran


Women play an important role in the intellectual and behavioral dynamics of society. Therefore, examining their thoughts is effective in the cognitive development of society. Forough Farrokhzad, as an influential personality in contemporary Persian literature, has represented his inner feminine in the form of his poems. Part of which is related to the category of "self" in Freud's psychology. The use of Freud's opinions has an effect in rereading Farrokhzad's intellectual layers. Therefore, in the present research, citing library sources and descriptive-analytical method, The time periods of his poetic life have been examined based on the concepts of "Self, Super-Ego and Id". The main research question is, according to Freud's theory, how is Forough's true "Self" interpreted and understood in his poems? The results show that Forough did not achieve the real "Self" as the ultimate goal of life in his early poems; Because in his youth, "Id" plays a more important role in his intellectual and biological life, which results in the distortion of his realistic view of society. In the stage of his poetic perfection, Forough goes further and finds his true "Self" in the tension between "Self" and "Id", which results in reaching social love and a critical and responsible attitude towards people and society.


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