Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Graduate of Arabic language and literature, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


Creation of poetic images in the setting of novel adjunctive or attributive combinations that are far from conventional norms, whenever associated with purposeful innovations of poets and led to creation of deep associations between words, have immersed poetry in an aura of genuine poetic imagination and encouraged the audience to discover the subtleties hidden in the semantic layers of words. In the process of lexical combinability, the quality of lexical selection and combination indicates the weakness or mastery of poets in using linguistic capacities. A poet who continuously uses the combination of repeated words in the creation of poetic images, imposes a burden of boredom on the mind of the audience and opens a desolate perspective in front of the reader’s eyes. In such an atmosphere where everything looks conventional and ordinary, contemporary poets of Iran and Iraq in particular with regard to their intellectual and cultural affinities, have challenged the semantic norms of the language through new composite constructions in order to save words from the bondage of repetitive images. The constant assault of the poets of these two realms on the semantic rules governing the combination of words and their boldness in using the capacities available in the language has sometimes been accompanied by the creation of similar new combinations, something which the reader experiences for the first time. The basis of the authors' efforts in this research is finding an answer to this question: What are the most important motifs that have led to the combination of words far from each other and expanded the semantic field of the language in common form in the poems of contemporary poets of Iran and Iraq? According to the findings of this study employing new combinations in the structure of the poetry of today's Iranian and Iraqi poets has given their poetry a new and unusual movement by opening new semantic perspectives.


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