Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 Phd of Persian Language and Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran



bahar with a wide understandig and a thoughtful attitude, has watched the cultural and social events of his time and has carefully understood their possible harms. Accordingly, in his poems, the cultural and social situations of the people of the time are abundantly depicted with precise details and artistically depicted, and the poet is often appropriate to the story by taking advantage of rhetorical and literary arrays and crafts with bitten language. It has directed its expedient criticism at the perpetrators of cultural, social and political events in society. The deliberate descriptions and use of words in objectifying the stories are such that the audience is often accompanied by the poet's inner sense.In the present study, an attempt has been made; Critical views of the Bahar on social, cultural and political issues should be examined based on his rhetorical context.In this way, it became clear that Bahar has always used rhetoric as an effective tool to affect the audience emotionally and accompany them with their critical purposes, and the clever and artistic use of literary and rhetorical arrays on the good effect. The use of humor, exaggeration, paradox, contradiction, repetition, irony, metaphor, with the visualization of events in the mind of the audience are his most important methods  to influence the audience.The use of colloquial language and slang terms, especially when the language is drawn to humor to reveal problems, has played a major role in accompanying the audience in  bahar poetry.


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