Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 PhD Student of Persian Language and Literature, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran



In describing and explaining the Aesthetics of children’s and young adult literature, due to the predominant discourse of aesthetics and rhetoric of adult’s literature in Persian literature, it is necessary to study their intertextual-comparative relations. according to the lack of analysis of aesthetic books of children’s and young adult literature in relation to each other and the rhetoric of adult’s literature, study in the direction purposes such as describing the history of aesthetic studies of children’s and young adult literature is essential. the mechanism of intertextual criticism with the basic principle of dialogue of texts can put into practice the comparative aesthetics of children’s and young adult literature; intertextuality on the transverse axis examines the intertextual relationship of the text with other texts and on the longitudinal axis examines the relationship between the text and the reader. studies in comparative aesthetics or comparative rhetoric with an intertextual approach open new horizons for comparative children’s and young adult literature. this study tries to answer the following questions by reading intertextual in the longitudinal and transverse axis: Which of sources are considered to be the intertext of the aesthetic history of children’s and young adult literature and its evolution and what are their comparative relations in the intertextual pattern with each other and which of intertextual components in these books are adaptable. by descriptive-analytical method of qualitative content analysis and theoretical of documentary type, the study of the underlying layers and dominant and prominent components of the studied books shows that intertextual-comparative components such as rhetorical sources of adult’s literature, the effect of book and comments of Kianoosh, audience, language, the music of words, form and meaning, and the description of beauty and aesthetics are often explicitly and implicitly presented, and the network of intertextual components indicates the independence of the aesthetics of children’s literature. criticizing the lack of attention to semantics, this study offers suggestions based on the intertextual view of the same books for the classification and division of aesthetic of children’s literature, which can be expanded in future research from the perspective of philosophical, theoretical and exemplary arguments.


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