Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Candidate of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran



Faced with literary masterpieces, the increasing correlation of sciences based on the cognition of language, culture, and society with literature, as a practical platform for decryption of the prevalent thoughts in society, has highlighted the requisiteness to accompany artistic pleasure with an interdisciplinary approach in order to get acquainted with cultural background and try to strengthen the moral and cultural infrastructure of society.This is the common theme of Humanities and literature, which can be interpreted as Semioethics: The Life cycle care beyond borders. In the forthcoming research, "Gulistan" and selected "Javame'al-Hekayat", as two prominent books in the category of anecdote, have been analyzed, and with the method of quantitative and qualitative analysis of moral signs the following items have been concluded:1.By their styles (direct-descriptive or persuasive-warning) and less attention to the details of the narrative and 2.By assigning characteristics to the characters of the anecdotes, the authors have presented a social and governmental view of their times, and a display of the real moral characteristics or an idealistic view of morality. 3.The qualitative and quantitative level of attention to Ethics signs is such that the authors can be considered as activists with moral and social concerns and the works or at least parts of the works, represent the realities of the time. 4. Most individual moral signs belong to the range of rationality/ignorance, honesty/dishonesty, compassion/ violence. Also, most social moral signs are justice/oppression and goodness/ carelessness to people 5. From what is represented in the literary masterpieces, it can also be concluded that “people take refuge in many lies with different justifications and in different situations”. Although this claim does not in any way mean the inherent truth of human, it should make us think to restrain mentioned trait to have a more beautiful world or to alleviate human suffering.


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