Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Master Graduate of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



One of the narrative elements that have influenced the identity of the spiritual Mathnawi more than other elements is the function of time in narrations. With a reflection on the most famous anecdotes of this literary masterpiece, one can clearly understand the precise capacities of narrative, the ability to be assayed by the new standards of fiction, and the knowledge of narratology. Therefore, this study is concerned with a new approach to the study of anecdotes by analyzing time function in the narratives of Mathnawi. For this purpose, the narrative model of Gerard Genette, which is one of the most widely used theories in narratology and analysis of story elements, was the basis of the work. To analyze the narratives, first, the narrative pattern of Gerard Genette was examined and explained. Next, all anecdotes divide into time units introduced in the narrative theory of Genette. Then, each narrative structure is analyzed based on time fragments, reciprocating scenes, narrative time durations, descriptive pauses, ellipsis, summaries, time irregularities, and continuity of narrative time in story scenes. Rumi employs the suspense methods in stories and capitalizes on his unique time functions and techniques during narrating to convey the intended mystical concepts and themes into narratives. These pauses, which are closely related to the chain of the free association of meanings in the storytelling process, create different semantic layers in the stories and multiply the narrative time. In this way, each layer of meaning flows in the second and third levels of time. As a result, the stories formed as nested circles with a central circle connected to all the layers. Finally, the structure of the narratives was derived from these analyzes and displayed in a diagram. And two patterns were identified: 1. Traditional narratives, and 2. Conversational narratives.


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