Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 PhD Student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.

2 Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan,, Iran.



Khaqani is a self-congratulatory poet; So that you can hardly find a poem where he did not talk about his superiority. One of the reasons for Khaqani's self-praise is the inferiority complex. In the past, the social and economic level of the family was effective in determining the position of people in the society. Since Khaqani did not have a rich family, he has been neglected; Therefore, one of the reasons for his narcissism is his inferiority complex. . Another reason is the existence of rivals who spoke ill of the poet, as a result, the poet had to express his merits. Conceptual metaphor theory, which started with Lakoff and Johnson's opinions, proved that metaphor is also seen in thinking.  The conceptual system based on which we think and act has a metaphorical nature. In the traditional approach, they look at metaphor as a decorative tool, but in the new approach, they look at metaphor as a translinguistic tool that is not only in language; Rather, it is current in human thought and action. Therefore, in the new approach, metaphor is not an aesthetic tool for poets and writers; Rather, all people use it in their daily speech. According to the cognitive linguistic theory of metaphor, in metaphor, we understand one conceptual domain through another conceptual domain; That is, we use the tangible domain to objectify the abstract domain. According to the cognitive linguistic theory of metaphor, many abstract concepts have a metaphorical structure, although they may not be revealed at the level of language. Despite this, metaphors dominate the concepts. Metaphor in its cognitive sense is a bridge to understand abstract or less tangible concepts. Lakoff and Johnson have divided metaphors into three types: 1. Ontological metaphors: existential metaphors are metaphors in which abstract concepts are considered as an entity. 2. Structural metaphor is one concept is organized in the framework of another concept. 3. Directional metaphor is a type of conceptual metaphor in which concepts are conceptualized based on physical directions.The living environment, life events, experience, culture, etc. have an impact on human thoughts and feelings and are reflected in his words; Therefore, by studying the works of a poet or writer, one can reach the thoughts of that poet or writer. In this research, which was carried out in a descriptive-analytical way, while introducing the theory of conceptual metaphor, metaphorical maps related to self-praise were extracted. To objectify the concepts related to self-praise, the poet has used the concepts of the following areas in order of frequency: Concepts of family and social system (31 items), kingdom (19 items), nature (16 items), religion area (15 items), Astronomy field (4 cases), medical field (4 cases), professional field (4 cases) and.


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