Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.

2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.



The purpose of this article is to study the plot structure, semantic units and aesthetic elements of the end in two old and new narratives of the story of two pines in Persian books of the fourth grade of the elementary school of the sixties and fifths of today. This is a poetic narration by Mohammad Javad Mohabbat, which is mentioned in the fourth elementary Persian book of the sixties called "Two Pines" and in the fifth modern Persian book called "Kajestan". He is injured and asks the neighbor to put up with him for a few days. In the narration of " Two Pines ", the damaged pine is rejected by the neighbor, but in the narration of "Kajestan" it is taken care of by the neighbor. Now, the fundamental question that constitutes the body of the present study is how the change of plot and ending in the new narrative has led to the production of a comprehensive, aesthetic and ethical meaning? The results of the present study show that although the new version is a rewritten version of the old version, but the structure of the plot, the middle and the end of it has changed in a way that both the narration is in the category of narrations with a good ending and induction of aesthetic meaning, lasting and pleasant. aesthetic and ethical meaning? The results of the present study show that although the new version is a rewritten version of the old version, but the structure of the plot, the middle and the end of it has changed in a way that both the narration is in the category of narrations with a good ending and induction of aesthetic meaning, lasting and pleasant. With a good ending and induction of aesthetic meaning, lasting and pleasant. With a good ending and induction of aesthetic meaning, lasting and pleasant. We believe that there is a connection between "production of meaning" and "plot" in fiction. In simpler terms, it can be said: what creates meaning in a story is "how the events are arranged". In a way that can be said: the author shapes the events of the story according to the meaning he brings up in his mind. On the other hand, we are also aware of the fact that no story has consistency without plot and what makes a story shine is the plot factor.


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