Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 1. Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.

2 2. PhD Student of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.



The presence and absence of the main and secondary elements of the sentence in the text of a literary work has a great impact on the transmission of rhetorical intentions and concepts to the addressee. Some pundits and researchers in the knowledge of rhetoric have considered the topic of removing grammatical elements as a way to prevent the speaker or writer from exaggerating in words and some others, in addition to removing additions, have introduced the ellipsis method from the text's aesthetics; This is while the method of substitution is often examined from the point of view of emphasis and its role in lengthening the sentence. Traditional rhetoricians and scholars of semantics such as Sibouyeh, Jahez, Khatabi, etc, have superficially and transiently mentioned the role of this method in rhetoric. Abdul Qahir Jorjani, due to the Evidence of Miracles in the Quran, placed the topic of "ellipsis and mention" in a regular and specific framework and introduced it as the basis of the cohesion of the word. Although he considers mentioning a grammatical element in the sentence is very important in creating secondary purposes and rhetorical meaning, but for remove the elements of the sentence, he has also considered the ability to influence and even considering the special situation and circumstances, he considered the removal of a grammatical element to be much more eloquent than mentioning it; Absence of presence that helps to approach the word in its most eloquent form. On the other hand,  Michael Halliday, a linguist of Functional grammar, describes this as "ellipsis and substitution" and considers the use of this method to be effective in text coherence. In order to be able to examine the topic of ellipsis and substitution in a literary text, a work full of abnormality in grammatical and rhetorical will be needed. The story of Bijan and Manizheh of Shahnameh and the poem of Garshaspnameh, due to their poetic and epic linguistic format, have provided a favorable capacity for various syntactic manipulations, especially the removal of elements in the sentence. The importance of the status of the elements in the sentence for conveying rhetorical intentions by Ferdowsi and Asadi Tousi, expresses the need to examine the status of ellipsis and mention of the main and secondary elements of the two literary works; Therefore, this Research, by descriptive-analytical method, examines and compares the effect of ellipsis and mention of main and secondary elements in 3000 sentences of each work in order to identify the secondary meanings. Among the main elements of the sentence, the rhetorical effect of the status of the subject, object, predicate and verb is discussed. Also, among the sub-elements of the sentence, the status of the adverb, the complement and demonstrative in the transmission of some rhetorical intentions of the poets have been examined in two literary works. The results of the research found that the omitted form of the elements of the sentence is more effective than mentioning them in terms of rhetorical value; Because the removal of one or more elements in the sentence by the poets is a sign of textual coherence and also the existence of a high level of communication between the poet and the addressee and this is the basis for the emergence of rhetorical purposes. The results also show that the ellipsis of elements is more in the context of conversations, which is one of the main reasons for the centrality of speech during the interactions of individuals. It can be said that the ellipsis and mentioning of the main and secondary elements of the sentence in two works happened for various rhetorical purposes. Persistence in the mind and creating emphasis has been one of the purposes of mention and also, low information value, brevity, avoiding unnecessary repetition and maintaining the narrative rhythm can be considered as the most important goals of poets in removing of the elements of the sentence. Generally, the method of the two poets in using the ellipsis and mention of elements in the sentence, has served to convey the rhetorical intentions correctly to the addressee.


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