Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 1. PhD Graduated of Persian Language and Literature,Faculty of Humanities,Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran.

2 2. Associate Professorof Persian Language and Literature,Faculty of Humanities,Manandaran University, Manandaran, Iran.



The concept of alienation is the discourse of the modern age and the dominant feature of man thrown into the contemporary era. This phenomenon has a meaning in the west, but due to the opposition of tradition and modernity, especially in the Pahlavi era can be significantly associated with the quasi modernity, so the alienation of the subject that leads people as an intellectual class. Drawing it’s largely to be found in sterile and imperfect design in Iran.Influenced by the current of modernism and modern Western fiction, Sadegh Hedayat reflects in various ways in his works the recklessness of fictional characters, wich is the author’s own recklessness, just as the story of the stray dog describes the alienation of the subject. As in the face of the human world around him and the value system of the story takes the audience to a world beyond the biological world of “Pot”. The leading article analyzes the “stray dog” in the form of a symbolic story based on the historical story based on the historical concept of alienation and story of the alienation of quasi-modern Iranian man(Hedayat).But the presentation of different definitions and components of the concept of alienation by the theory owners has caused that there is no comprehensive and single definition of it, this issue at first sight makes us face a kind of critical view towards the fluidity and multiple meaning of this concept. The need to rely on a comprehensive approach that can create affinity between different philosophical, psychological and sociological borders seemed necessary.Due to the multifaceted and fluid nature of this concept, we are trying to reach an almost coherent and focused model based on the genealogy of the word and its historical and developmental course among the existing theories and teachings. Such a thing could not have been achieved except in the shadow of the genealogical approach that can consolidate the existing definitions and theories in a common and reliable field. So, After explaining the phenomenon of alienation based on the genealogy of this concept in the views of Hegel, Feuerbach, Marx and fromm considering the metaphors such as”power and ideology”, “identity” and “other”in the narrative system of the story and the character of “Pat” at three levels:unity and oneness, alienation and liberation from alienation are examined and based on the analysisof the story, it is concluded that migration and alienation in the story of “stray dog” finds the role of a specific theme, which to guide it has the function of a philosophical- psychological and social system, and he organizes a resistance against the alienating power exercised against individual and social life, which expresses an important concept in Foucaults’ thought.


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