Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Master Graduate, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.



In different periods of the history of Persian literature, the art of conflict or answer has been prevalent among poets, especially famous poets of each period. Some of these controversies were confined to the realm of imitation, and others were able to achieve a desirable degree of technical value through the innovations of their creators. A study of books of poems which is called divan, shows that the relationship of poets sometimes occupies a significant part of their poems. One .e.g. of this relationship is the technique of conflict or response. One of these conflicts is the conflict between Homam tabrizi and Saadi shirazi. Examining sources such as Tarikh Gozideh, Muns al-Ahrar, Tazkira al-Shoara, etc. shows that the debate between Homam and Saadi has a history among the ancients. Some of the oldest sources that have mentioned Homam's conflicts with Saadi which is addressed in this research are:The jong that was kept in the library of Lala Ismail in Turkey and was written in 741-742 AH by several scribes, the safine of Shams Haji which was written in 741 AH by a man named Muhammad known as Shams Haji and is now kept in the NafezPasha Library of Turkey and an ancient manuscript from the Divan of Shams Tabrizi, which was written in 739 AH by Ali Shah ibn Ali Sa'iq Esfahani and is now kept in the library of Ayatollah Marashi in Qom. In these manuscripts, the contradictions of Homam and Saadi are explicitly mentioned. For example, the jong of Lala Isma'il has mentioned the sonnets of Sa'di and Homam as the "Contradictions" between Sa'di and Homam. Also in the old Divan of Homam, some of Homam's sonnets and Saadi's sonnets have came together. In the present study, based on these contradictions in the mentioned manuscript and with the help of statistical method, we tried to enumerate the similarities and differences between Homam and Saadi by comparing the domains of vocabulary and syntax. Indeed this thesis was investigated the words construction, non-persian words, verbs construction, particles, deletion, shifting pronouns, presentation and delay of sentence components. At last, we examined the lexical structures of each and found that Saadi paid more attention to the types of words and the variety and novelty of the lexical structures than to Homam. We found that the syntactic structures in Saadi's sonnets are more solid. For example Saadi has more deletations than Homam which made his poetry more concise. Also Homam moved the parts of the sentence more than saadi which caused it to deviate from the standard syntax. Also, statistical charts are drawn using Excel software to display the results of the research in one place.


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