Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 PhD Student of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan

2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan,, Iran



Man's natural tendency towards perfection and self-fulfillment and the desire to grow and evolve has been the focus of human attention for a long time, and human has always had the dream of achieving their own perfection and have strived to reach the highest level of perfection by using all their abilities and talents. This inner feeling of man and the effort to reach his supreme truth is interpreted as "perfectionism" nature in Islam and "self-fulfillment" in humanist psychology. The process of knowing "one's own self" and reaching perfection and self-realization has occupied a huge range of literature, especially our mystical literature. The mystical literature of Iran is full of these clear examples that show the value and human concepts and its deep connection with humanistic psychology. Among these, Attar, as one of the mystical poets, has focused on self-knowledge and the high position of self-awareness in most of his works and thoughts. He has described the stages of achieving perfection and self-realization and their obstacles from the mystical perspective. Among his works, Mosibatname is one of the most brilliant and original classical texts of mystical literature, whose main theme is "self-knowledge" and "meeting with oneself", which calls a person to perfection and self-realization by walking in the spiritual and spiritual worlds. This is the same subject that is related to the principles of humanistic psychology studies.
Abraham Maslow, as the main figure of the humanistic school of psychology, has discussed the characteristics of a healthy and self-fulfilling person from a scientific and experimental point of view, emphasizing the positive aspects of human tendencies and presenting the theory of self-actualization. In this essay, an attempt has been made to answer these questions: 1. What are the most important indicators and components of human self-actualization in Attar's Mosibatname based on Maslow's theory? 2. Based on Attar's point of view, how are these characteristics analyzed and explained in Mosibatname?
To achieve this goal, this research was conducted based on library resources and using a descriptive-analytical method. and all of Attar's Mosibatname was examined based on Maslow's theory of self-actualization, and the most prominent characteristics of Maslow's self-actualized individuals, which are consistent with Attar's concept of a complete human, were analyzed and explained.
As a result, it can be concluded that mysticism is a field that always calls man to self-knowledge and evolution and "becoming" and great mystics have tried to benefit from Islamic teachings in the exaltation and prosperity of human beings and obtain theories related to psychology from Islamic teaching. Like many other mystics, Attar had a special interest in psychological matters according to his own system of knowledge. The main focus of his thought in Mosibatname is movement and dynamism and achieving self-knowledge, and the seeker of thought seeks growth, dynamism and prosperity with a clear and pure conscience. Therefore, many of the ideas that have been discussed and explored in the school of humanism, in Attar's thought and his view of the perfect human being and the path to perfection, are noteworthy and investigated.


Main Subjects

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