Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Professor in Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 M.A student in Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.



Surrealism can be considered a school of honoring the hidden mind. Although the process of literary movements before that had adopted approaches in the praise of the hidden mind, but Surrealism brought this process of praise to worship. All the concepts provided by them have been respected and validated in relation to the hidden pronoun. In the eyes of surrealism, the superior reality created by the hidden mind, the highest point of the passport to enter the hidden mind, the astonishment of the hindrances and obstacles of the hidden mind, the objective coincidence proving the prophetic power and the upper hand of the hidden mind, the surreal moment is the gateway to the realm of the hidden mind, the love-inducing of the hidden mind. , the dream is the pure source of the hidden mind, fantasy and illusion are the arms capable of fighting the enemies of the hidden mind, humor is the healer of the hidden mind, automatic writing opens the way to enter the hidden mind, the madness of the hidden mind's cry, a surreal object that embodies a manifestation of the hidden mind and surrealistic depiction is a gift of the hidden mind. To the captives of the real world. By embarking on a series of bold but not blind experimentation, Surrealism marked the personal discovery of the principles that are referred to as the Principles of Surrealism. The vision of this experimentation lies in the knowledge of the history of such experiments. The importance of these concepts is not limited to a specific climate and time, and before and after surrealism, many artists have made this personal discovery in all parts of the world. Therefore, these common principles of all time and place are at the center of this research. The first step is to find out whether these principles of timelessness and spacelessness were also the opinion of the talented contemporary Iranian poet, Ahmad Azizi, or not? And in the next step, he examines how Ahmad Azizi pays attention to these principles, and in the third step, he examines the points of commonality and difference between the views of this Iranian poet and the French school. In this process, there are surprising co-conspiracies in the principles of superior reality, the highest point, the amazing, objective coincidence, surreal moment, dream and illusion, humor, automatic writing, alignments in the principles of the surrealist object and imagery, as well as undeniable and of course contemplative co-conspiracies in the principles of madness. , drunkenness and drugging and finally love are observed between these two views. As a result, this research leads us to believe that Ahmad Azizi is an artist who in his own unique way addressed these common principles, and from this unique way, the pleasant Iranian-Islamic scent can be smelled.


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