Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


Associate Professor in Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Payam Noor University, post box 13939- 4697 Tehran, Iran.



Literary language or poetic and rhetorical language is a term that is sometimes used against automatic and everyday language and sometimes it is used against scientific language; In addition, it can be placed in the middle of these two types of language. Although Literary language is a phenomenon within the language system, it has its own definition, characteristics, components and functions. Although literary language is a phenomenon within the linguistic system, it has its own and different definition, characteristics, components and functions. The most outstanding feature and element of literary language is the avoidance of reality and the expression of possible worlds for the audience, the creation and presentation of impossible worlds, the possession of the essence of imagination and creativity, the benefit of aesthetic factors and, in addition to that, the avoidance of norms that can also Foregrounding (highlight) and defamiliarization.
Dealing with the subject of the use and function of literary and poetic language has a long history as old as the debates between formalists and semanticists and the use of terms such as matter and substance of the past to material and preparation or plan and story of the contemporaries (artistic devices). The main purpose of this research, which is done in a documentary-descriptive way and to some extent analysis of literary content, is to study and research the works and texts of one of the mystics of the 5th century Hijri; That is, Khwaja Abdullah Ansari, from the perspective of the language of literature and the discovery of elements and components of poetic and rhetorical language, dealing with linguistic and aesthetic categories, and finally the connection of literary language with mystical language in the works of this mystical writer. At the end of the current research, we come to the conclusion that although Sheikh Al-Islam Ansari is a great mystic and the main purpose of creating his works was mostly education, sermons and speeches, explanations and expressions of verses and hadiths for disciples, students and audiences, and often His words have flowed in states and stages of fascination, absorption and mystical drunkenness, but Khajeh was not oblivious to their aesthetic benefits, and the presence of these elements and components of literary language and its connection with the mystical language of Sheikh Ansari, caused a difference in his literary style and Even achieving personalized style; The method and model that after him has been welcomed by many mystics, Sufis and writers of taste and style.


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