Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran.



The story Hana, in the anthology "Weather for Several Days of the Year" by Aiin Nowruzi, probes into the recounting of a man's separation from his beloved, Darya. Yet, intriguingly, the narrative often veers towards the man's niece, Hana, born around the time of his parting with Darya. Through subtle cues in the text, it becomes apparent that the narrator's feelings, actions, and words carry deeper, symbolic connotations. The author intricately weaves details, seemingly diverting attention from the central theme, perhaps to conceal its true essence. The aim here is to decode and interpret the concealed meanings while striving for coherence within the narrative. Employing a Freudian psychoanalytic lens, the text is explored akin to a dream, where an underlying, more significant level remains obscured beneath the surface. Adopting an inductive research approach, the analysis unravels the symbols and signs embedded within the text, which serve as manifestations of the narrator's subconscious. These symbols, while holding inherent meanings, are suppressed expressions of truths concealed by the narrator, from both himself and the audience. Central questions arise: What causes the ambiguity and contradictions in the narrator's discourse and actions? What roles do the symbols play in the narrative, and can they be organized into a meaningful structure? By dissecting the components of the text and its supporting evidence, it becomes evident that the narrator channels the sorrow of separation from Darya, his longing to reunite, and his desire for offspring through mechanisms like displacement and integration, manifested as symbols such as darkness, underground spaces, numbers, and unconventional behavior and speech. Hana operates on two levels: the surface events recounted by the narrator and the deeper layer of inferred ambiguities and contradictions. To address this dissonance, it is proposed that the narrator not only conceals truths from the audience but also from himself. Through the lens of Freudian psychoanalysis, the story is revisited and interpreted, ultimately revealing that Darya is veiled behind the narrative. The entirety of the tale, supported by textual evidence, emerges as a dream experienced by the narrator upon waking, showcasing elements of displacement and integration. Darya's presence permeates the narrative, subtly observed despite her name remaining unspoken.


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