Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Ph.D. of Arabic language and literatur Khalij Frasr University, Booshehr, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature department of Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.



The science of semiotics is the knowledge of examining semantic implications. Charles Sanders Peirce of the structuralist semioticians used the concept of "signification" to explain and develop his theory of semiotics. In Peirce's semiotics, the concepts of "sign", "interpreter" and "subject" are the pillars on which his semiotics is based. In examining the sign, Peirce introduced three concepts of manifestation, interpretation and example, the first is the form of the sign and the equivalent of the signifier in Saussure's semiotics, the second is the perception that creates the sign and is the equivalent of the signified, and the third is the example that the sign signifies. This linguist philosopher believes in three types of signs. First, a sign in which the relationship between the signifier and the signified is contractual and therefore learnable, and he calls it a symbolic sign. The other is a sign in which the relationship between the signifier and the signified is similar and can be called a symbolic sign, and finally, a sign in which the signifier and signified relationship is a cause and effect relationship. Place is one of the fundamental elements of every story and novel, in such a way that the absence of place in narrative works leads to the loss of the originality of those works. The place plays an irreplaceable role in the novel Guantanamo and carries various psychological and socio-political meanings with it, so that the element of place can be divided into different types of mental, elevated, Familiar, unfamiliar, multi-dimensional, signified change and empty division. Also, traces of three types of signs considered by Peirce, which are symbolic, iconic and indexical, can be clearly traced in the novel Guantanamo.


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