Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, University of Tabriz, Iran.



The novel “Cold Coffee of Mr. Writer”, authored by Roozbeh Moein (first edition: 2017), reached the eighty-fourth print within three years, according to the book’s colophon. According to some news reports[1], purchasers of this novel lined up on the first day of publication and bought all the copies of it. Of course, the impact of social media should be taken seriously in this regard, as the author published purely romantic excerpts of the book online before publication. The purpose of this study is to explain the method of characterization and storytelling of this novel in order to determine its strengths and weaknesses. One of the strengths of this novel is the use of the “transposition” in characterization. This novel is written using the “transposition” style and this style has given a new face to the repetitive concepts of the novel. Here, transposition means that the main character is a core actor. He is multiplied into shadows. Each shadow, in the underlying layer, appears as an actor and, in the outer layer, appears as an independent character but reappears in its original form in one or several actions through one or several similarities. In this review, the analytical method has been utilized. That is, the “transposition” of the characters, which is the focal point of the novel, has been considered, and the degree of distance and proximity and harmony and disharmony of the elements with it have been measured to obtain signs of the aesthetic and cultural tastes of the enthusiasts. The result of the review shows that the elements of the novel are in the service of the “transposition” style. The important characters of the novel are the shadows of the main character and the multiple romantic episodes are the repetition of the main theme of the novel. Additionally, the descriptive aspect of the language, predominating over its behavioral aspect, has significantly highlighted the romantic aspect of the novel. Thus, love and separation and the illusion of loneliness have been repeated many times with various expressions and this can attract specific groups.

