Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabaʼi University, Tehran, Iran



One of the tools of a researcher in the field of literature is sociological critique, with which he can analyze the world of the text. In this study, we try to re-read the six stories of fear and trembling of Saedi through qualitative analysis and based on library studies and Pierre Bourdieu's theory of action. we tried to examine the habitus, capital and position of characters in the field and their relationships separately. The research achievements show: 1- Poverty and lack of cultural and economic capital are the most important factors to create and spread superstition, fear and especially its imposition as a habitus of the villagers. 2- poverty is the prominent habits of people in fear and passivity field, which they constantly reproduce it in different ways. 3- Despite the lack and poverty of capital, the residents try to maintain their position in the field and even try to improve it. Depending on their position on the field, the basis of their relationship changes and they even turn to conflict. 4- When the residents leave the village or a person or persons enter it, the residents feel danger; especially those who have economic capital are more afraid and shivering than others. 5- The solidarity of the inhabitants with the progression of the stories decreases gradually, and in the sixth chapter, the relations of the inhabitants are completely destroyed. 6- As the stories progress, the level of activism of the characters decreases and they move step by step towards reactivity.


Main Subjects