Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Correspoding Author; Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Languge and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Salman Farsi University, Kazerun, Iran

2 Ph.D student of department of literatur Salman farsi university kazerun



Writers who live in a common climate are influenced by the social and political climatic conditions of that region in addition to their worldview and personal style. And they create the regional and climatic school. Which of these schools is the South school of fiction writing, which has important place in Iranian fiction literature. Texts, including literary texts in interaction with history carry social meanings and become the presence of different discourses. The influence of political, historical and climatic conditions on the literature of the South, especially from the 1953 coup d'état in Iran decades after the revolution, has created many similarities in terms of content and structure in the works of the great storytellers of this region. In this research, by choosing three works of the southern school, namely the novels "Tangsir" by Sadegh Chubak, "Suvashon" by Simin Daneshvar, and "Ahle Ghareq" by Muniro Ravipour, We have shown how the selected works of this school are influenced by the existing discourses and the social structure that generates these discourses. In their works, compared to the other works of this school, the mentioned authors tried to reconstruct the atmosphere of colonialism and tyranny in a more concrete way and create dominant post-colonial and tyrannical discourses in a historical moment, that is, from the time of the presence of British colonialism at the end of the Qajar era until the 1953 coup d'état and have imposed their dominant discourses on the lexical, syntactic and rhetorical structure of speech.
