Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 nothing

2 Persian Language and Literature, University of Azerbaijan Shahid Madani. Tabriz. Iran



Syntactic balance is one of the most important of Nizami`s style, that causes harmony and correspondence in the structure of poetry by repetition patterns. Syntactic balance is an important factor in making language music and inducing words, including creative verbal repetitions in a rule-adding manner. Nizami`s Khamsa can be considered a valuable treasure of artistic repetition that provide the means to create verse. Nizami, with conscious use of the power of language, put a set of words together which form the bases of music in syntactic relations, with the style if repetition, in the way of composition and compatibility.

An important factor that establishes the form of syntactic balance in Khamsa, is the existence of symmetry types. Symmetry creates aesthetic links that are considered the basis of music in poetry, by creating hidden repetitions in the text. Nizami in Khamsa has created syntactic balance by repeating grammatical roles and role shifs, based on syntactic and lexical similsrities, in the linguistic construction of the poem, and with the same role arrangements and syllabic rules in the construction of poetic rhetoric.

In spite of having a sublime form and musical texture, Nizami`s language has been neglected in terms of investing the types of balance and syntactic aesthetics.This essay, considering all kindes of symmetry, tries to present different perspectives of the language if Nizami`s poetry in a descriptive – analytical manner by presenting new approaches in the field of repetition.

The syntactic balance in Nizami`s Khamsa based on rules that overlap with different symmetries. This shows the close connection of syntactic repetitions with the verse and music of words, which is widespread in the poem`s syntagmatic axis. Considering the important role they play in the construction of balance, symmetries are considered as the basis of syntactic balance that form repetition patterns in the structure of the poem. Nizami has created a balance texture of syntactic repetitions that form the basis of the rhythm and music of his language in Khamsa, by using syntactic, lexical, and syllabic symmetries
