Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research



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The “Lion & Nakhjiran”story of Mathnavi is one of the most sophisticated stories of the book, with unique features providing amazing capacity for successive readings. Roland Barthes' opinions on the theory of semiotics create a systematic and innovative theoretical framework that can easily cope with the complexities and implications of literary texts. Applying his opinions as a model, it has been tried in the present research, to study the narratology of one of the longest stories of Mathnavi, the “Lion & Nakhjiran", to show how much the narrative of this story can produce different meanings. Attempts have been also made to determine the possibility of using semiotics theory in analyzing a classic and entirely native text of Persian literature, along with the study of the specific features of Mowlavi's language in this narrative. The results show that: 1) the “Lion & Nakhjiran" narrative is not merely a read-only text, but with regard to the data obtained from semiotics theory application, it has a very good capacity to become a read-only work. 2) the most important factors make this narrative to be an open and pluralistic text are the special manners have been used by the poet as well as the absolute  allegorical nature of narrative itself.


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