Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 M.A Graduate in Department of Language and Literature, Science and Research Branch, Islamic

2 Associate Professor, Department of Language and Literature, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran


The "inner-text reader" is a critical approach of literature that forms on the basis of reader-centered theory. Using it in the text to make the relation between the writer and the reader possible, Wolfgang Iser and Aidan Chambers have tried to decode the author's second self in open texts; because an expert author utilizes some techniques in his/her text, and the relativist reader receives a reward at each reading, discovering the technique as a winning sheet to relate the author. The story of Sheikh Sana'an is one of the classical works of Persian literature that is full of these techniques. The author's relationship, from this point of view, and creative readings of the contemporary reader provide a new face of Iranian-Islamic literature to the world. Based on the components of inner-text reader and on the basis of the principles of narratology, it has been tried, in present paper, to find signs of this approach in the story of Sheikh Sana'an. Through the study of the approaches and adapting them with the story of Sheikh Sana'an, it has been shown that decoding the inner-text reader in this story is highly possible. The power of love, the variety of vocabulary, the type of narration is used, problem solving, problem making and transcendental actions have created an interconnected relation between the author and the particular reader to penetrate the "deepen structure of the story."


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