Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Ph. D. Graduate in Department of Linguistics, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch

2 Professor of Linguistics at Tarbiat Modares University

3 Assistant Professor, Center for Persian Language and Literature Researches, Tarbiat Modares


Most of the previous studies in Iran have examined the deviation in poetry using the model proposed by Leech, so little attention has been paid to discourse deviation; whereas, if linguistics is limited just to the study of phonological, syntactic and semantic aspects of language, its contribution to literary studies will be very restricted. For this reason, using the model proposed by Mick Short upon which discourseal deviation has been firstly applied, it has been tried, in present study, to examine linguistic innovations in poetry. The scope of the study includes the works produced by new generation of modern Iranian classical poets. The study has been conducted to determine what types of discourse deviation prevail in today's classical poetry, and how much is the rhetorical value of each. The results show that eight types of innovation (beginning in the middle, the end of the unfinished, the use of conversation repairing strategy, code-switching, style-switching, expansion of semantic unit of poetry, cataphoric relation and the use of single words instead of making sentence) are prevalent in discursive level in modern classical poetry, some of which are firstly introduced in this study.


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