Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Ph.D. Candidate of Persian Language and Literature, Alzahra University, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature Alzahra University, Iran


Cultural identities in contemporary societies are influence of “cultural industry” or "mass culture" that is liar, median and extemporaneously theory and influence of Frankfurt school scientist as an important theory in the world. Therefore, “Culture industry” is a material and pseudo category and have no generic, dynamism and animal spirits. Whole of this is false and chimerical asked in contemporary consumption societies that remove people from original culture and attained material and intellectual expectations by programmed goals. Therefore, the society exploited by capitalist powers and consumed by his commodities. Now, modern human influence of west consumable culture. Consumable human in consumption society, is living and thinking by economic powers ideals and is relocating with his original culture value. Ordibehesht Diary by Jafar Modarres Sadeghi, is among of decade of 90 in contemporary Iranian literature; in other words a period of contemporary history that urbanized middle rank of society is involved to apparent of modernism and “cultural industry” and forgot trueborn origin thinking through cultural industries capitalist and schematic goals. This roman and cling of “cultural industry” has a character who is a bad symbol of modern human and just is consuming everything over plus and is severing of spiritual live ultimately. This research, by descriptive and analytical method, has review and analyze category of “cultural industry” and sociology dimension. Accordingly, narrator of this roman is a lonely man that satisfied with over plus consumption, west material culture and attend to medial culture, because in his society has any original and good thing. Consequently, this character is a symbol of "One-Dimensional man" according of Marcuse's views. That kind of contemporary character is influencing of "Alienation" and is reflecting this entire characteristic in this roman. Now, we are critic and analyzing this theory in this roman as a good and suitable choice.


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