Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Ph.D. Candidate of Persian literature and language, Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch,saveh,iran.

2 Professor of Persian Literature and Language, Alameh Tabatabaie University Professor,Tehran,iran.


One of the forms of Persian literature is lyrics, which affords the widest horizon in expressing emotion and receiving emotional and sensory experiences. Tone is the color the speaker adds into the words, and in Saadi’s lyrics there exist many different tones, which are intertwined. These tones play a crucial role in expressing his artistic and emotional message to the reader. Elements such as poetic form, rhythm, syllables, the meaning of words, sentence structures, and descriptive and poetic imagery are some of the items that form tone. Any literary work contains one or more tones and understanding them is so crucial that perceiving the expressed meaning depends on this understanding. The discussion of tone is related to the field of semantics, because the debate as to whether or not the tone is chosen in accordance with the audience’s mood goes back to that field. Each word is a unit of language that conveys a message from the speaker to the audience. To convey in the best possible way, the will of the speaker and the expectations of the audience should be considered. In order to speak in accordance with his audience’s mood, Saadi expresses the most difficult meanings in the simplest way. Bringing difficult meanings in the form of simple words is Saadi’s art, and understanding these difficult meanings depends on perceiving Saadi’s tone. The present article is an attempt to understand Saadi’s lyrics through his word choice, imagery, repetitions, and coordinating rhythm. The purpose of this study is to understand Saadi’s tone in two of his poems by extracting those tone-making elements from the text. Understanding the tone-making elements in the poetry of Saadi is possible by expanding the area of research in this field, while by ignoring some of the factors his message fails to be received properly.


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