Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Persian language and literature, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.


Conceptual metaphor is a new, different interpretation of metaphor that first proposed by Lakoff and Johnson. In this approach, metaphor is not only examined in terms of appearance; but also, it pays attention to the concepts that are hidden behind the words. Any metaphorical concept, by focusing on one aspect of the concept, can prevent the mind from focusing on other aspects of that concept. One of the abstract  concepts in Khosrow and Shirin Masnavi is love. Whereas Nizãmi is an irreplaceable master of metaphor and he often expresses his desired concepts in the form of metaphorical system, love and other related concepts such as lover, beloved, achievement, grief, etc. in his poetry. In this research, with a descriptive-analytical method based on library studies, based on Lakoff and Johnson's theory of cognitive metaphor and a look at the new classification of Afrãshi and Hisãmi (mental to mental), conceptual metaphors of love in Khosrow va Shyryn by Nizãmi, arereviewed and analyzed. Because love and related concepts are abstract, they are expressed in the form of similes and metaphors to make them more tangible. By examining the concepts of the field of love based on the theory of conceptual metaphor, eighteen texts were categorized and analyzed with the field of the destination of love in the form of 738 items. These writings are classified into two groups: metaphors that have a positive approaches to love and metaphors that have a negative approaches to love. This story is about a romantic event; for this reason, most of the writings formed in it have a negative approach, and whereas this love leads to achievement and it brings happiness, the approach becomes positive. Based on the obtained results, most of the texts are subjective to objective, and in some cases they are more tangible mental, they have been used to express love, and the text about "love is sorrow" are 123 cases and the texts about  "love is deception" are 16 cases, and they have the highest and lowest frequencies in Khosrow va Shyryn, respectively


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