Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


Associate professor of Persian Language and Literature Qom of University, Qom, Iran.


Except the quatrain theme, what makes it more salient than any other feature is its verbal simplicity, expressive unpretentiousness, brevity and melodious music. The contribution of music in acceptability the quatrain format has received less attention the instant that The Robai form is more related to music than other forms of poetry and meter is one of the distinguishing components of this format. an comparative study of the music of the first Persian Robaies with its climax can explain the role of music in the course of Persian Robaies and  the climax of that. In this article, in descriptive-analytical methods and based on statistical data, the musical characteristics of Rudaki's Robaies have been compared with Khayyam's Robaies. Therefore, Roudaki's quatrains are based on 34 quatrains of Nafisi and Braginsky prints and with comparison to Daneshpazhuh and Jahangir Mansour editions are used. Khayyam's quatrains have been selected due to the wide differences between different editions and the unanimity of Khayyam researchers on the originality of the quatrains in the books of Mersad al-Ebad, the history of Jahangosha Jovini, Nozhat al-Majalis, Tarikh Wassaf and history Gozide and according to the 34 quatrains in this Books are the basis of this research.The research shows that Roudaki, by making more use of his poetic licences and not paying attention to subtleties such as the consonant and vowel letters of the hemistiches, paying little attention to the side and inner music and neglecting the intimate music Persian words have not been able to use the musical attractions of the Robai to attract the audience, while Khayyam carefully uses the poetic licences quantitatively and qualitatively, more adherence to the musical characteristics of the main meter of the Robai, enjoyment Moderation of the capacities of side and inner music along with creating an intimate song using original Persian words has benefited from the prominence of Robai music in attracting the audience and the perfection of this format


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