Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Kerman, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Kerman, Iran.


Prediction is one of the most important and influential elements in the process of formation of epic and national stories, which is widely reflected in the national epic poems of Iran, including the Shahnameh and subsequent poetic epics. In the present article, the element of prophecy in heroic systems after Shahnameh has been researched by the method of libraries based on content description and analysis and presentation of statistics. Based on the research, about one hundred and fifty-five predictions in these systems have been researched. Has been used. The element of prophecy in famous epic poems; Such as Bahmannameh, Shahriarnameh, Samnameh, Kooshenameh, Faramarznameh, Garshasbnameh  and Jahangirnameh, respectively, are more prominent and in the systems, Banogshsabnameh, Barzoonameh, Shebrangnameh, Kok Kuhzad and Bijannameh, they are very few and finger In short epic poems; Prophecies are not used, such as, Babarbian, Tahminehnameh, Dastan Patiareh, Razmnameh Shakavand Kooh and Susannameh.  The predictions were made by people who in their time had a privileged social status and superior position, and most predictions were made by astronomers, respectively, based on astronomical rulings, kings and princes, heroes and priests, Brahmins. Ordinary people play a significant role. They do not have predictions. Some predictions with tools such as astrolabe, astrological cup, cosmic cup, mirror of wisdom, and some are written on various tablets that were predicted by the predecessors for the future and have almost common features. Many predictions are based on dreams or divination, supernatural and auxiliary factors, like Soroush and Simorgh, and the vast majority of predictions have been fulfilled. Usually, prediction has a social function; advancing for reform in the political and social system, foresight, awareness of omissions, and ominous warnings, like death, destruction and defeat. It is one of the most important goals and functions of prophecy in the mentioned heroic systems.


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