Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Zabol University, Zabol, Iran.



The positivist approach, which Martin Seligman founded in psychology, is one of the applied approaches in the psychological analysis of the novel's main character, and it implies the six virtues of the character, that is, courage, self-control, humanity, justice, excellence, and wisdom, which is a way to reach is prosperity; Seligman believes that a person should have an optimistic attitude towards the future and achieve real happiness by using the power of personality to be optimistic in the future. He talks about happiness as a combination of strengths, positive psychology while overcoming emotions. Negativity changes them and by improving positive emotions and giving meaning to life, it reduces people's mental problems and improves their well-being. Therefore, in this research, this positivist approach in the main character "Erian" in the novel Al-Ralzah al-Amin by Najib Al-Kilani, who is one of the contemporary Arab writers and is aware of the behavior of the characters and their influence in the human society, is analyzed with descriptive method. Analytical, examines and portrays his behavior and personality change and has an effect on cultivating creativity, empowering and improving the condition of people. Erian, an intelligent character, critical thinking and self-confidence in doing something, appears and in the continuation of the novel, he turns into a revolutionary and brave character who confronts the western culture. The findings of the research indicate that Erian, on the way Arriving at the truth cultivates the virtue of humanity in one's existence and covers the sense of altruism, responsibility, tolerance of opposition, respect for others' opinions and comprehensive forgiveness. . he is grateful to God and the creatures who corrected his life path. The character of Arian in this romantic and religious novel, with a coherent and heartwarming plot, is a character with chaste love who cannot satisfy himself with superficial and clichéd ideas and seeks to gain knowledge and basic truth by deeply studying Islamic teachings. With courage and control of his temperament, he puts aside all attachments and prejudices in the path of truth, has patience and forgiveness in the face of disturbances and implements human values, behaves justly in interacting with people, so as to elevate his truth-seeking spirit. Give (superiority). Finally, with his inherent and acquired wisdom, he considers God's pleasure and is optimistic and hopeful about his world and the change of his life path. In the novel, the virtue of bravery in Erian's character started with his encounter with Shams and his initial attachment, until he changes his religion and discovers the truth, and on the way he faces events and in this context, he risks his life. Erian controls his ego's attachments until he reaches the truth and knowledge and gets God's approval.


Main Subjects

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