Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : Scientific extension


1 PhD Student, of Persian Language and Literature, Roodehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roodehen, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Roodehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roodehen, Iran.

3 Assistant Professorof Persian Language and Literature, Roodehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roodehen, Iran.



One of the most important issues of life is the purpose and meaning of life, which is seriously considered by thinkers and thinkers today. Victor Frankl is a theorist who has answered this question through his difficult experiences.In his school, which is called "meaning therapy", he has tried to remind man that everyone in his life must discover a meaning through which he can overcome hardships and be safe from emptiness and despair. Semantic therapy believes that life has meaning and that each person should seek his own unique meaning and that man has the freedom to choose his approach to life.The purpose of this study is to investigate the components of meaning therapy in Forough Farrokhzad's poetry in order to provide solutions to the meaning of life.
 This research is done by descriptive-analytical method; In this way, first the three important components of love, suffering and death are explained and then examined in Forough Farrokhzad's poems. The statistical population in this research is a complete collection of the poet's works.
The result of this research shows that Forough is full of life. He considers love, suffering and death as a phenomenon of life and has reached a deep meaning of life by accepting these three components. Forough's view of love is very wide. He goes from discovering love to discovering himself. She seeks refuge in love in search of inner peace. In the period of decline of human emotions and despair, he sees love as an escape to make life meaningful. The suffering and pain that is rippling in Forough's poetry is a sign of his acceptance. He has consciously accepted the suffering and recited the poem, and in the end he holds man responsible for his own destiny. He also considers death as a part of the phenomenon of existence, but this death is a consciousness for Forough accompanied by fear, which passes this horror with a meaning called love. Forough finds the meaning of life very simple. To create the path of life, he creates great meaning from every small and simple issue for a life full of love. In his poems, the poet not only finds human understanding incapable of understanding the secrets of existence and self-knowledge, but also believes that man must take this inability into account, and for this reason, while pointing to man's inability to understand himself and existence, by calling to Happiness and satisfaction give meaning to life.
Finally, we must say that the categories that Viktor Frankl introduced about giving meaning to life are not only known to make human life meaningful, but according to his theory, the dark side of these categories has been dominated by their bright and meaningful side. According to Frankel, death is not the end of life. Suffering, despite being unfortunate, may be the joy of human existence. Love is not just a generic and based on known drivers in psychology, but it can be something beyond what was stated.


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