Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


Associate Professor of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran



Simile forms the deep structure of many innovative crafts, and in the rhetorical books of the early and late generations, various types and types of it are mentioned, each of which plays an artistic role in different ways in depicting and reflecting poetic imaginations; The efforts and careful analysis of rhetoric scholars in categorizing and classifying all kinds of similes are praiseworthy, however, sometimes in studying the literature of poets and digging into the imaginations of Persian speakers, we come across similes that are found in books. Rhetoric has not been investigated in a separate and scientific way; One of these similes is a simile with a completely independent syntactic structure and purposes, which is opposite to preferential similes. The present essay seeks to analyze these types of similes in the works of speakers of different periods in a descriptive-analytical way. The obtained results show that this type of simile has been used since ancient times and its oldest use was found in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh. These types of similes have different types, in some cases, the speaker portrays the simile - the opposite of the preferential simile - as inferior and less than the simile, and sometimes the speaker of the praise industry is similar to blame. takes advantage and uses the simile in a way that looks suspicious of it, while the purpose of the simile was to praise the simile, and finally, sometimes the purpose of the simile is not in the sides of the simile, but in the element of the simile. The third one, which is outside the pillars of simile, searched that the poet uses this type of simile structures to bow down or express its condemnation.
